Exceptional Client Feedback and Fuel Savings Highlight CPG’s Expertise

Exceptional Client Feedback and Fuel Savings Highlight CPG’s Expertise

CPG recently installed Humphree stabilisers on Rottnest Fast Ferries’ magnificent vessel “Harbour Master”.

The feedback has been outstanding….

“The quality of the product is second to none and we have already realised fuel savings and had numerous reviews from our customers on the smoothness or their ride. We would not hesitate to recommend CPG and the Humphree system.”

CPG a dealer for Humphree Trim and Stabilisation Systems

Another client testimonial

“We recently installed Humphree active stabilisers on our vessel Harbour Master, following a review of the options available. We were extremely impressed by the ease of installation of the system and dealing with CPG was easy. It was hassle free and efficient throughout the process, from obtaining information and pricing right up to the delivery, installation, and commissioning of the stabilisers.

The quality of the product is second to none and we have already realised fuel savings and had numerous reviews from our customers on the smoothness or their ride. We would not hesitate to recommend CPG and the Humphree system.”

Luke Crispin
Founding Director

Pinnacle Travel Group

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