2024 Australian Marine Awards

2024 Australian Marine Awards

We are thrilled to announce that our very own apprentice, Lachy Skinner, has been selected as a finalist for the Australian Marine Industry “2024 Apprentice of the Year”!

The Australian Marine Industry Awards are presented annually to reward the outstanding achievements of Australian businesses in the marine export, superyacht and commercial sectors and are organised by the Australian International Marine Export Group (AIMEX), Superyacht Australia and the Australian Commercial Marine Group (ACMG).

Being named a finalist is a remarkable achievement and speaks volumes about Lachy’s skills and passion for the industry. His journey as an apprentice showcases the talent and potential of our future tradespeople.

This nomination not only celebrates Lachlan’s individual achievements but also highlights the importance of nurturing talent and promoting excellence within our industry. It’s a true reflection of the values we uphold and the standards we strive for.

Congratulations, Lachy, we are incredibly proud of you and wish you the best of luck with the Apprentice of the Year award!

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